Any.Run sandbox example 1

 In this post, I will show one example of using Any.Run. This time it is a public task, which means that someones else has run this file in Any.Run. As said before, Any.Run shows tasks or malware that has been exhibited from all around the world.

 Step1: as shown, click on the Public tasks icon to preview tasks.

Step 2: As shown, the page that included all the tasks will show up, and then you could choose any of them for more details.

Now the executable file will be run by the software in a virtual environment, and the file (executable file in this case) can be analyzed.

1- Shows the name and the type of the file to be executed. In this case, the name of the file is Good, and it is an executable file.

2- This is the virtual window.

3- These icons show the HTTP Rqestes, Connections, DNS Requests, Threats of the suspicious file. And from the data shown, the file was infected, and it has many threats.

4- By clicking the Report button, you can get a detailed report of the malware Figure 1, 2.  As shown in Figure 1, the full detail of the infected file is provided. Figure 2 shows the process of malware activities. The report has a detailed analysis of the file.

Figure 1. 
Author's screenshot (Any.Run, 2020)

Figure 2
Author's screenshot (Any.Run, 2020)


Any.Run, 2020. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 December 2020].


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