Is installing antivirus software enough (primary research)

 As I mentioned earlier, understanding the malware problem is great, yet not enough. In my questionnaire, I asked these two questions specifically to find the percentage of users who downloaded antivirus.

 As the pie chart illustrated, a little bit under 50% of the users have antivirus software, which is a high percentage. It is right that the percentage of users who have antivirus exceeded the number of people who did not, yet over 30% of the users do not have antivirus software. And there is a large number of users who are not sure whether they have it or not, which is as well an issue. One of the reasons many users either do not have an antivirus or do not know whether they have or not might be because of the financial aspects. Most antivirus software nowadays requires an annual subscription. Therefore, users either forget to renew their subscription or cancel it.

To sum up, users who installed antivirus appear to update it regularly; the percentage of users who updated their antivirus has exceeded 70%. Which is a good thing as having an antivirus requires a regular update. As I mentioned before, in my research, at least one new signature is added to the antivirus software database. Thus, not having the newest version might make the host vulnerable to be exploited. 


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