Primary research (malware)

I wanted to support my malware research by doing primary research. This was possible by doing a survey using Google Form. So in this post, I want to show why having the answer to some of the questions I have made might help carry out this research. 

one of the questions that I believe is going to support my research is this one :

this is one of the first questions that I have asked on my survey. The reason for this question is to support the fact that many users are not aware of the malware problem.

Another two questions which have a strong relation to my malware research, and are almost connected, is this one:

downloading from the internet might get you infected; however, the percentage is even higher if you downloaded without having antivirus software install.

There are other questions that support my research and the idea I have presented in my secondary research. Therefore, I will publish a few posts about the analysis of the data I received from the malware questionnaire.


  1. Hi

    We can see that you are active on blogs/entries even after continuous assessment which is good. Please keep up the pace and forwarding you a gentle reminder what is next for us towards further assessment case study:

    Structure of your case study would be as follow:
    1) Introduction
    2) Literature Review
    3) Method
    4) Main Discussion
    5) Conclusion

    You should have 5 or more separate blogs for the above.

    Many thanks


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